
Silk or Copper pillowcases are the latest beauty must have.

 It is time to add silk or copper pillowcases to your skincare regime.

We spend around a third of our lives asleep and those sleep lines from our pillows get etched and reinforced into our skin over time, think of your favourite leather shoes that show creases.

Considering we lay our heads, hair, and our faces on pillowcases for many hours during our 24 -hour day, I think we need to be considering these in our daily skin care.

We know that sleep is key in keeping us looking and feeling rejuvenated, perhaps it is time to consider if our pillowcase could be the secret to waking up with clearer, smoother skin, and lustrous untangled locks of hair.

The Ohh! family have been sleeping on silk pillowcases for a few years now, we have not yet tried copper – but watch this space! I think the silk makes a difference to my skin, I definitely noticed an improvement in waking with no lines, and in my hair texture, and I have noticed a difference in my daughters hair from almost the first week of using them.

The Science behind silk

Benefits of silk pillowcases

  • less friction on skin or hair prevents irritation or damage.

  • a cleaner sleep surface.

  • less drying for skin and hair.

The slick texture of silk may be better for your skin especially if you battle acne. Silk may present a kinder and cleaner surface for cradling your cheek, silk pillowcases are gentler on the skin of people with acne or sensitive skin than rougher cotton pillowcases. Remember friction can create more inflammation making acne worse. Cotton also absorbs the natural oil and bacteria from your face and hair and that grime accumulates night after night creating a petri dish (think back to school science lab) on your pillow.

Silk pillowcases absorb less of the moisture and dirt, so would be a better choice especially for those who sleep on their sides or stomach.

The other claim of silk pillowcases is that they are gentler on hair. Silks frictionless surface might stop damage and prolong the sleek look of hair and prevent tugs. If you are susceptible to dry hair a silk pillowcase will also strip less moisture.

(when purchasing be sure to double check reviews some sellers do not actually provide real silk or high-quality materials but instead sell ‘silk-like’ low quality products)

 The Science behind Copper

Copper pillowcases have copper oxide particles embedded in fabrics like polyester or nylon and the science behind these pillowcases Is proven. Research shows that using a copper pillowcase has antimicrobial and healing benefits for breakouts and may reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of copper pillowcases

·       Battle’s bacteria.

·       Heals skin.

·       Reduces and prevents wrinkles.

·       Stops friction damage to hair and skin.

Copper is naturally anti-microbial, and it may help keep bacterial counts low. Those who sleep on copper pillowcases and are prone to acne have reported improvement.

Although copper pillowcases are relatively new on the market in terms of acne prevention and treatment, the use of copper in textiles is not new. Copper has been infused in hospital linens, scrubs, and other medical fabrics to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria.

Copper also has the power to restore damaged tissue. Copper has been placed in bandages for wound treatment and in socks to cure athletes’ foot, or to prevent, or heal foot sores on people who have diabetes.

A copper pillowcase could reduce skin inflammation, or speed the repair, of skin irritations such as acne flare ups.

The healing and skin boosting benefits of copper can also help banish wrinkles, copper is a vital cofactor necessary in collagen synthesis, and increased collagen leads to improvement in fine lines and wrinkles.

In 2012 a randomised clinical study showed participants who slept on a copper pillowcase saw an average 9% reduction in their crow’s feet per month over 8 weeks. Participants not sleeping on copper pillowcases saw no wrinkle reduction.

To sum up

At present there is more scientific research out there on copper, but both have benefits.

Dermatologists advise the best thing is not to sleep on your face at all, as your sleeping posture could be causing your skin to fold up creating wrinkles.

There are tips and techniques for training yourself to sleep on your back. One of these is to tightly roll a towel and place it under your neck.

This makes me think of Geishas and how they go to great lengths for beauty and to maintain their ornamental coiffed hair styles by sleeping on a ‘taka-makura’ (tall pillow), essentially a small support stand for the neck designed to keep hair perfectly intact as they slept.

I am a side and stomach sleeper, I love at the end of a long day to plump up my pillows and sink my face into them, for me for now ill stick to my silk pillowcase and perhaps try copper in the future.

All this talk of pillowcases is making me ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

 Remember there is no point investing in a fabulous pillowcase if you are going to put the grime of the day onto it – @ Ohh! we are here to help you find a skincare regime that you can stick to and that works, lets discuss your perfect nighttime cleanse and ensure you Stay Fabulous!