Duty Of Candour

In line with The Duty of Candour Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2018 which sets out the procedure that organisations providing health care services and social work services in Scotland are required by law to follow when there has been an unintended or unexpected incident that results in death or harm (or additional treatment is required to prevent injury that would result in death or harm).

Every healthcare professional must be open and honest with patients when something that goes wrong with their treatment or care causes, or has the potential to cause, harm or distress. Services must tell the patient, apologise, offer appropriate remedy or support and fully explain the effects to the patient.

As part of our responsibilities, we must produce and publicise an annual report to provide a summary of the number of times we have had to trigger Duty of Candour, and if such an incident has occurred we must report on how we dealt with the incident, within our service provided at,

Ohh! Oral Health Hygienist Ltd, Suite 12, Dunnswood House, Dunn’s Wood Road, Wardpark South , Cumbernauld, G67 3EN

This service has had no incidents requiring implementation of Duty of Candour since opening the service in July 2021 to include the following reporting years,

April 2021-April 2022 - zero incidents.

April 2022-April 2023 - zero incidents.

April 2023-April 2024 - zero incidents.

At Ohh! we provide staff training on the duty of candour obligations and we hold and update our Duty of Candour policy in line with regulations.